Ken Kifer on fitness
Sunday, January 6, 2008 | | |The discussions raised under "15 mph" and "Fat Cyclist" focus group discussion to me to check the Web for additional information. I found a huge quantity of quality information low. Even after I limited the results with four keywords, the search engine yet reported 1.6 million pages of information.
In particular, I could not find much more specific about Kenneth Cooper, who launched the movement aerobics - jogging, it turns out, was launched by someone else. There have been numerous mentions of him - especially by groups of welfare which requires a connection, a short interview in German, and an article by him on the issue of antioxidants. Remembering his books, I can say once it has been argued that the more often the exercise, the better health and more success in life, for example, he understood that studies have shown that children who exercised the most is the best marks in school. Then, after Jim Fixx died, he began to back-pedal, suggesting that the exercise should be limited to a number of times a week for a period of only thirty minutes. Now that the good doctor is past its first, it is the trafficking of vitamins C and E and beta-carotene. As I have said, although I think it was a positive influence, he never understood cycling. The problem of management for an exercise that is the oldest runner is the most damage and the rider must reduce.
In an article, formerly available on the Web, Dr. Joseph Levy, coordinator of the Wellness Centre at York University, Toronto, says that the whole movement fitness has been a failure. Rather than condemn the exercise itself, he says that the failure was that most Canadians have failed to do so. He denies that the "no pain, no gain" has a true value, and he said he discourages people from exercising. He does not particularly target rate requirements and provides a pleasant walk can do so well. He said he is not opposed to exercise, whether walking 10 km (6 miles) each day. He also made no mention of cycling.
An even stronger attack on the idea of aerobics is from a group of doctors who say that Cooper and one of its eminent scientists have admitted they were wrong when they said that aerobics. They believe that the ideal is to exercise slowly up and down a heavyweight. They say that the weight should be large enough to exhaust the power of muscles in two minutes. They argue that statements on aerobic and anaerobic exercise are not applicable because both are underway in all the exercise. They say it is foolish and even dangerous to try to exercise the heart, if the muscles receive enough exercise (through bodybuilding), the heart will be strong. Endurance is a genetic trait that can not be changed. The best way to reduce fat is to develop muscles.
I still see Dr. Morehouse's book for sale at the grocery store. Morehouse says that 30 minutes per week is the year that someone needs, and most of its programme of aerobic exercise a few advantages. He also sees no long-term benefit of the exercise, saying that a person loses 100% of any advantage gained after 30 days of confinement in bed.
Over the years, I have been watching food. While some of them suggest mild exercise, most say that health comes primarily from what you eat.
The person who ranked number one on the Web for teaching fitness was Richard Simmons. Although I do not want to dump on someone who could have been a little couch potato to move, if it is the first guru, God help us!
With experts in this genre, and with so much disagreement, I might as well put in my request, although I have a master's degree in English and not an MD in medicine. Let me give you an advantage to accept me as a medical authority: I will not try to force you to accept a strange exercise, medicine or food. Regarding the experience goes, I have spent many hours walking and cycling before Kenneth Cooper never thought about aerobics. Finally, I will not depend on research but on my own observation and nor do I claim that my experience applies equally to everyone. I will give my comments first and after my conclusions.
I never remember being exhausted as a child, and I have watched many children play, and I've never seen either exhausted. Sometimes they drowsy and the need to take a nap, so they get tired. But not winded. Of course, they are not difficult adults. However, I went on a hike with a group of young, a couple of adults, and a seven-year-old daughter. The girl and I were never tired and a lot of ways, other, mostly college students, complained quite often the difficulty of travel. Likewise, I took my nephew over a period of seven miles by bicycle when he was seven, no problem. Neither of his parents could have done the same thing.
Of course, children May be different now. We had to walk to school, I was not even five years when I started. I walked in the rain and deep snow. Most of our radio listening has been done during the night, so we played outside in summer and winter, only to come eat inside. As a boy in the North, I do remember my leggings be frozen. In the South, one of our games was cycling hunting, and we would not stop for hours, so I can move and turn at night. Nowadays, I seldom see children playing outside. Even when I see children who have bicycles, they are either standing around or moving slowly. Is there now fewer children, or are they mostly passively sitting in front of a television?
In high school, I walked three miles to school every day. Initially, the trip was difficult and I was happy to rides. However, once I got used to walking, I did not want any roll walking is more enjoyable. During the third year, I convinced my mother to let me walk both directions, and walking in the morning was even more enjoyable. Besides walking to school, I also went walking in the woods after I got home and on weekends.
However, I have never participated in sports activities, except for a little basketball and volleyball because I was too and understrength. Even when we had to run, because Kennedy focuses on fitness, I always come last. The operation would also like to be black-out. With all the years tried this year, I did poorly except for chinning, I suppose my ultralight contributed. I decided that I was not physically fit.
After I started college, the long march ended at school, but much longer weekend hikes in the national forest began. When I needed to visit my parents' home, sometimes I just started walking, and people offer me walking along the track. I used to walk around half the distance of 28 miles.
I also started in caves under way in college, and after we started to see more and more difficult caves, I started to notice that my friends had real difficulties. They become exhausted or sleepy, find excuses to go back, or become ill tempered. I found myself did not need to be happy and enjoying the journey.
I also travel long trek of 70 years, Professor, collecting stones, high on the side of a mountain. He once put 70 pounds of rocks reverse its position on travel broken. I never saw fatigue or Grouchy, in fact, I wear.
When I had the chance to ride a bike, I rode 45 miles the first day because I was in such good shape. I commonly used my bike to visit Anniston, 13 miles away, and I started to hike to the campaign. I was interested in neither speed nor distance nor the regularity, but I was curious to see how many places I could explore. The first year I rode a 3-speed bicycle pedals with rubber. My best time was 25 miles an hour (nice tailwind). During the same year (1965), I made my first long bike trip (573 miles), and I also rode four centuries, including one the day I crossed over Newfound Gap (5048 ft).
This first trip (the Smokies) taught me the need gear and dropped handlebar, on my second (in Canada), I learned that my legs were less tired if I pedaled downhill (I n 'had no concept of pace). Although I took 15 books on travel Canada (165), I did not feel much stronger at the end than the beginning, mainly because I was in such a form when I started ! During my best week, I covered nearly 700 miles. Although people saw me as a kind of athlete after I returned, I said that everybody can do what I did.
After I started working, my bike fell. Although I was still in better shape than others, I found myself breathing difficult caving trips. When I visited Canada in 1970, it was a car, because I felt I was no longer such a challenge bicycle. However, the trip produced a profound change, and I started to prepare for a trip by bicycle in Canada and made a winter trip, cycling terrible time. My bike capacity quickly returned only by constituency.
I found someone who wanted to ride a bicycle to Canada with me, we married, and I had the opportunity to apply my knowledge of fitness to it. I wanted to eat their carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables, and avoid meat and fat. It has a carbohydrate without food. I thought it would be better with dropped handlebars and a seat close, she chose a place and a large handlebar. I wanted to cycle nearly 150 miles per week in preparation. She actually drove about 430 miles in three months. I wanted to take only necessary, it took five pounds of cosmetics and two cats. I wanted to ride in front to break the wind, it taxied to the front and coasted down every hill and every market hill. The trip was successful in the last two weeks and 430 miles. At first, she weighted 150 pounds and looked fat at the end, she weighted 150 pounds and looks lean - for some time. She never rode with me again, but she bought Kenneth Cooper Aerobics and trying to form following its methods. Because she could never achieve the speed he has recommended, it waived.
Several years later, I stopped the bike for a long period for a variety of reasons such as my cabin, my son, my work, my parents, my position and my problems with burglars. However, I was doing physical work during the day and take long walks on weekends and when I went on caving trips, I had no trouble keeping abreast others, so I felt I was in good physical shape.
However, I was shocked in 1984 after a ten miles on foot. I had never before been so tired in my life. I had another shock five months later after a pass from 20-mile bike, which took all day. In addition to being too tired to sleep, I also noticed that my pulse and respiration are both high rates. Testing at a pharmacy, I found my blood pressure was also high (a problem that has disappeared with the regular bike).
To return fit, I tried to follow the advice in magazines cycling. I used a mixture of fast laps, sprints, ribs, slow and long distance. However, my high speed on the course has not increased. The harder I pushed, the more it will take to recover my breath (it would take me longer to recover than it took to cross the distance). My sprints has not improved either (they have slowly declined over the years - I'm down to 27 mph today). The ribs (in fact, mountains) hurt my knees (ten-speed bike) and I was black. And my long and slow journey distance has become very slow. Some people told me the problem is too bicycle, but I was dependent on the bicycle for transportation.
A simple observation let me see the stupidity of it all. Whenever my eleven years, son of visit, I wish to cancel the rides and run at my son rhythm. After he left, I discovered that I had made a rapid improvement. As a result, I stopped trying to follow the magazines' advice and began to run at my own natural, relaxed pace. My long and slow journey distance began to improve rapidly, and I noticed I was sometimes arrive at the store five kilometres from my house at the same time where I used to go to burnout.
Meanwhile, I read books all Kenneth Cooper. Although I found what he said was interesting, I found no useful. His information was really geared towards running.
Also, after cycling magazines, I tried various stretches and exercises. I also abandoned these and had no problems with pain or force as a result.
In fact, I think normal, relaxed cycling can prove good stretching. One day, I myself a lot of incredibly neck while reading. I could not turn slowly, even after hours of babying. This afternoon, I wanted to make the trip 14 miles to the city, so I started in great pain. On the way back, I remembered I had forgotten something. Search my memory, I finally realized I had forgotten to check to see how my neck was done! Of course, I no longer need. Many times I have hindered my bike to begin the ride on horseback, then miles without problems. Sometimes, I still have a limp when I get off, but I just laugh at my leg stupid.
Rather than exercise a bike ride, I create my arms by horseback. Whenever I climb a hill, my stomach and arm muscles have a good workout.
I have made the greatest improvement in making bicycle trips. 500 miles Several weeks provoke a strong improvement in my speed and endurance. Even the trips that I began my prepared conclude become tireless (but not as strong as I travel began in good shape).
During two years of higher education and four years of teaching, I did not get enough exercise during the year, if my weight is increasing every winter. This increase was aggravated by grease and oil added to food in the cafeteria. The weight was burned during my travels bike this summer.
Also, for the last half-dozen years the only exercise that I have received has come to normal daily activities, cycling and walking. I think that the cave exploration would be a good addition to help my flexibility, but it does not seem to be necessary.
So here is what my experience has taught me about staying in shape:
1) The children are healthy, because they never stop: they run and play all day. Adults are health and fitness problems because they spend most of their time sitting around, not because they are older. Health problems can begin at a very young age for those who are sedentary; active people can be very dignified in their seventies.
2) is an exercise healthy and thin, but not all exercise is equally valuable. Most things that promotion on television that the exercise had little value. Normal work and even difficult, physical work and slow walking and cycling sidewalk also offer little or no benefit. In fact, the results of long and difficult time created the belief that the exercise is bad for you (although long, difficult hours may help you to lose weight). Caving is excellent for exercising all the muscles in the body, but it does not contribute to endurance. However, several kilometers on foot to four constituency mph or ten miles or more at 12-16 mph will lead to a rapid improvement. In other words, for cycling and walking for a profit, you have to put a little energy in them, but it is not necessary to race. I often sing while I'm on my bike normal pace, but maybe I would have to stop singing when climbing a hill. When I'm riding with others, we can make a good conversation, unless the person has returned a little more trouble hearing.
3) high-speed constituency has no value, at least not for people my age or young people who want to go around. My top speed for a distance not pass or down, no matter how I trained. Much better is to train at a natural speed, or even a bit slower. Welcome aboard rather than force.
4) Long-distance riding is a great value: the more I ride, the best shape I am, and the harder it is for me to get tired. If I want to be strong enough to go on a tour, I need to drive at least thirty miles per day for a few weeks. Three to five miles of 500 weeks makes me very hard. However, short trips can keep me feeling good, although missing a few days had no effect.
5) Some aspects of "fitness" gained during last summer to another, once you're fit, it is difficult to lose that conditioning, even if very little riding, and it is much easier to recover.
6) On the other hand, a person who has been out of form in recent years, will take over a year to get fit. Children adapt much more quickly, but they also begin a higher level anyway.
7) A diet with less fat makes it possible to control weight. I always used to think it was my only exercise, but I always ate rice, potatoes, spaghetti, pasta, fruit, vegetables, with only a little chicken or Other foods containing fat.
8) The belief of mine is that I will live longer and have fewer problems of old age because of the exercise. I would like to leave as my friend does rockhounding. I went to see a few weeks before his death at 90, he and I met at the door.
In particular, I could not find much more specific about Kenneth Cooper, who launched the movement aerobics - jogging, it turns out, was launched by someone else. There have been numerous mentions of him - especially by groups of welfare which requires a connection, a short interview in German, and an article by him on the issue of antioxidants. Remembering his books, I can say once it has been argued that the more often the exercise, the better health and more success in life, for example, he understood that studies have shown that children who exercised the most is the best marks in school. Then, after Jim Fixx died, he began to back-pedal, suggesting that the exercise should be limited to a number of times a week for a period of only thirty minutes. Now that the good doctor is past its first, it is the trafficking of vitamins C and E and beta-carotene. As I have said, although I think it was a positive influence, he never understood cycling. The problem of management for an exercise that is the oldest runner is the most damage and the rider must reduce.
In an article, formerly available on the Web, Dr. Joseph Levy, coordinator of the Wellness Centre at York University, Toronto, says that the whole movement fitness has been a failure. Rather than condemn the exercise itself, he says that the failure was that most Canadians have failed to do so. He denies that the "no pain, no gain" has a true value, and he said he discourages people from exercising. He does not particularly target rate requirements and provides a pleasant walk can do so well. He said he is not opposed to exercise, whether walking 10 km (6 miles) each day. He also made no mention of cycling.
An even stronger attack on the idea of aerobics is from a group of doctors who say that Cooper and one of its eminent scientists have admitted they were wrong when they said that aerobics. They believe that the ideal is to exercise slowly up and down a heavyweight. They say that the weight should be large enough to exhaust the power of muscles in two minutes. They argue that statements on aerobic and anaerobic exercise are not applicable because both are underway in all the exercise. They say it is foolish and even dangerous to try to exercise the heart, if the muscles receive enough exercise (through bodybuilding), the heart will be strong. Endurance is a genetic trait that can not be changed. The best way to reduce fat is to develop muscles.
I still see Dr. Morehouse's book for sale at the grocery store. Morehouse says that 30 minutes per week is the year that someone needs, and most of its programme of aerobic exercise a few advantages. He also sees no long-term benefit of the exercise, saying that a person loses 100% of any advantage gained after 30 days of confinement in bed.
Over the years, I have been watching food. While some of them suggest mild exercise, most say that health comes primarily from what you eat.
The person who ranked number one on the Web for teaching fitness was Richard Simmons. Although I do not want to dump on someone who could have been a little couch potato to move, if it is the first guru, God help us!
With experts in this genre, and with so much disagreement, I might as well put in my request, although I have a master's degree in English and not an MD in medicine. Let me give you an advantage to accept me as a medical authority: I will not try to force you to accept a strange exercise, medicine or food. Regarding the experience goes, I have spent many hours walking and cycling before Kenneth Cooper never thought about aerobics. Finally, I will not depend on research but on my own observation and nor do I claim that my experience applies equally to everyone. I will give my comments first and after my conclusions.
I never remember being exhausted as a child, and I have watched many children play, and I've never seen either exhausted. Sometimes they drowsy and the need to take a nap, so they get tired. But not winded. Of course, they are not difficult adults. However, I went on a hike with a group of young, a couple of adults, and a seven-year-old daughter. The girl and I were never tired and a lot of ways, other, mostly college students, complained quite often the difficulty of travel. Likewise, I took my nephew over a period of seven miles by bicycle when he was seven, no problem. Neither of his parents could have done the same thing.
Of course, children May be different now. We had to walk to school, I was not even five years when I started. I walked in the rain and deep snow. Most of our radio listening has been done during the night, so we played outside in summer and winter, only to come eat inside. As a boy in the North, I do remember my leggings be frozen. In the South, one of our games was cycling hunting, and we would not stop for hours, so I can move and turn at night. Nowadays, I seldom see children playing outside. Even when I see children who have bicycles, they are either standing around or moving slowly. Is there now fewer children, or are they mostly passively sitting in front of a television?
In high school, I walked three miles to school every day. Initially, the trip was difficult and I was happy to rides. However, once I got used to walking, I did not want any roll walking is more enjoyable. During the third year, I convinced my mother to let me walk both directions, and walking in the morning was even more enjoyable. Besides walking to school, I also went walking in the woods after I got home and on weekends.
However, I have never participated in sports activities, except for a little basketball and volleyball because I was too and understrength. Even when we had to run, because Kennedy focuses on fitness, I always come last. The operation would also like to be black-out. With all the years tried this year, I did poorly except for chinning, I suppose my ultralight contributed. I decided that I was not physically fit.
After I started college, the long march ended at school, but much longer weekend hikes in the national forest began. When I needed to visit my parents' home, sometimes I just started walking, and people offer me walking along the track. I used to walk around half the distance of 28 miles.
I also started in caves under way in college, and after we started to see more and more difficult caves, I started to notice that my friends had real difficulties. They become exhausted or sleepy, find excuses to go back, or become ill tempered. I found myself did not need to be happy and enjoying the journey.
I also travel long trek of 70 years, Professor, collecting stones, high on the side of a mountain. He once put 70 pounds of rocks reverse its position on travel broken. I never saw fatigue or Grouchy, in fact, I wear.
When I had the chance to ride a bike, I rode 45 miles the first day because I was in such good shape. I commonly used my bike to visit Anniston, 13 miles away, and I started to hike to the campaign. I was interested in neither speed nor distance nor the regularity, but I was curious to see how many places I could explore. The first year I rode a 3-speed bicycle pedals with rubber. My best time was 25 miles an hour (nice tailwind). During the same year (1965), I made my first long bike trip (573 miles), and I also rode four centuries, including one the day I crossed over Newfound Gap (5048 ft).
This first trip (the Smokies) taught me the need gear and dropped handlebar, on my second (in Canada), I learned that my legs were less tired if I pedaled downhill (I n 'had no concept of pace). Although I took 15 books on travel Canada (165), I did not feel much stronger at the end than the beginning, mainly because I was in such a form when I started ! During my best week, I covered nearly 700 miles. Although people saw me as a kind of athlete after I returned, I said that everybody can do what I did.
After I started working, my bike fell. Although I was still in better shape than others, I found myself breathing difficult caving trips. When I visited Canada in 1970, it was a car, because I felt I was no longer such a challenge bicycle. However, the trip produced a profound change, and I started to prepare for a trip by bicycle in Canada and made a winter trip, cycling terrible time. My bike capacity quickly returned only by constituency.
I found someone who wanted to ride a bicycle to Canada with me, we married, and I had the opportunity to apply my knowledge of fitness to it. I wanted to eat their carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables, and avoid meat and fat. It has a carbohydrate without food. I thought it would be better with dropped handlebars and a seat close, she chose a place and a large handlebar. I wanted to cycle nearly 150 miles per week in preparation. She actually drove about 430 miles in three months. I wanted to take only necessary, it took five pounds of cosmetics and two cats. I wanted to ride in front to break the wind, it taxied to the front and coasted down every hill and every market hill. The trip was successful in the last two weeks and 430 miles. At first, she weighted 150 pounds and looked fat at the end, she weighted 150 pounds and looks lean - for some time. She never rode with me again, but she bought Kenneth Cooper Aerobics and trying to form following its methods. Because she could never achieve the speed he has recommended, it waived.
Several years later, I stopped the bike for a long period for a variety of reasons such as my cabin, my son, my work, my parents, my position and my problems with burglars. However, I was doing physical work during the day and take long walks on weekends and when I went on caving trips, I had no trouble keeping abreast others, so I felt I was in good physical shape.
However, I was shocked in 1984 after a ten miles on foot. I had never before been so tired in my life. I had another shock five months later after a pass from 20-mile bike, which took all day. In addition to being too tired to sleep, I also noticed that my pulse and respiration are both high rates. Testing at a pharmacy, I found my blood pressure was also high (a problem that has disappeared with the regular bike).
To return fit, I tried to follow the advice in magazines cycling. I used a mixture of fast laps, sprints, ribs, slow and long distance. However, my high speed on the course has not increased. The harder I pushed, the more it will take to recover my breath (it would take me longer to recover than it took to cross the distance). My sprints has not improved either (they have slowly declined over the years - I'm down to 27 mph today). The ribs (in fact, mountains) hurt my knees (ten-speed bike) and I was black. And my long and slow journey distance has become very slow. Some people told me the problem is too bicycle, but I was dependent on the bicycle for transportation.
A simple observation let me see the stupidity of it all. Whenever my eleven years, son of visit, I wish to cancel the rides and run at my son rhythm. After he left, I discovered that I had made a rapid improvement. As a result, I stopped trying to follow the magazines' advice and began to run at my own natural, relaxed pace. My long and slow journey distance began to improve rapidly, and I noticed I was sometimes arrive at the store five kilometres from my house at the same time where I used to go to burnout.
Meanwhile, I read books all Kenneth Cooper. Although I found what he said was interesting, I found no useful. His information was really geared towards running.
Also, after cycling magazines, I tried various stretches and exercises. I also abandoned these and had no problems with pain or force as a result.
In fact, I think normal, relaxed cycling can prove good stretching. One day, I myself a lot of incredibly neck while reading. I could not turn slowly, even after hours of babying. This afternoon, I wanted to make the trip 14 miles to the city, so I started in great pain. On the way back, I remembered I had forgotten something. Search my memory, I finally realized I had forgotten to check to see how my neck was done! Of course, I no longer need. Many times I have hindered my bike to begin the ride on horseback, then miles without problems. Sometimes, I still have a limp when I get off, but I just laugh at my leg stupid.
Rather than exercise a bike ride, I create my arms by horseback. Whenever I climb a hill, my stomach and arm muscles have a good workout.
I have made the greatest improvement in making bicycle trips. 500 miles Several weeks provoke a strong improvement in my speed and endurance. Even the trips that I began my prepared conclude become tireless (but not as strong as I travel began in good shape).
During two years of higher education and four years of teaching, I did not get enough exercise during the year, if my weight is increasing every winter. This increase was aggravated by grease and oil added to food in the cafeteria. The weight was burned during my travels bike this summer.
Also, for the last half-dozen years the only exercise that I have received has come to normal daily activities, cycling and walking. I think that the cave exploration would be a good addition to help my flexibility, but it does not seem to be necessary.
So here is what my experience has taught me about staying in shape:
1) The children are healthy, because they never stop: they run and play all day. Adults are health and fitness problems because they spend most of their time sitting around, not because they are older. Health problems can begin at a very young age for those who are sedentary; active people can be very dignified in their seventies.
2) is an exercise healthy and thin, but not all exercise is equally valuable. Most things that promotion on television that the exercise had little value. Normal work and even difficult, physical work and slow walking and cycling sidewalk also offer little or no benefit. In fact, the results of long and difficult time created the belief that the exercise is bad for you (although long, difficult hours may help you to lose weight). Caving is excellent for exercising all the muscles in the body, but it does not contribute to endurance. However, several kilometers on foot to four constituency mph or ten miles or more at 12-16 mph will lead to a rapid improvement. In other words, for cycling and walking for a profit, you have to put a little energy in them, but it is not necessary to race. I often sing while I'm on my bike normal pace, but maybe I would have to stop singing when climbing a hill. When I'm riding with others, we can make a good conversation, unless the person has returned a little more trouble hearing.
3) high-speed constituency has no value, at least not for people my age or young people who want to go around. My top speed for a distance not pass or down, no matter how I trained. Much better is to train at a natural speed, or even a bit slower. Welcome aboard rather than force.
4) Long-distance riding is a great value: the more I ride, the best shape I am, and the harder it is for me to get tired. If I want to be strong enough to go on a tour, I need to drive at least thirty miles per day for a few weeks. Three to five miles of 500 weeks makes me very hard. However, short trips can keep me feeling good, although missing a few days had no effect.
5) Some aspects of "fitness" gained during last summer to another, once you're fit, it is difficult to lose that conditioning, even if very little riding, and it is much easier to recover.
6) On the other hand, a person who has been out of form in recent years, will take over a year to get fit. Children adapt much more quickly, but they also begin a higher level anyway.
7) A diet with less fat makes it possible to control weight. I always used to think it was my only exercise, but I always ate rice, potatoes, spaghetti, pasta, fruit, vegetables, with only a little chicken or Other foods containing fat.
8) The belief of mine is that I will live longer and have fewer problems of old age because of the exercise. I would like to leave as my friend does rockhounding. I went to see a few weeks before his death at 90, he and I met at the door.